Can Climate Change Make Your Allergy Worse?
Climate change is impacting the world in many ways, can it also affect your allergy?

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Climate change is sadly affecting the world in many ways: from rising sea levels to extreme weather and even as a threat to the extinction of various animal species.1-3 Aside from this, climate change can indeed sometimes worsen the symptoms of people with certain allergies such as allergic rhinitis.4 Read on to find out just how climate change might affect your allergy and what you can do about it.
Climate change can affect allergy symptoms in more ways than one
While rising temperatures may be the first thing that comes to mind when people think of climate change, there are actually two main drivers of climate change: heat and humidity. As the world warms, the air holds more moisture – nearly 7% for every degree Celsius.5,6 This is important to know because both heat and humidity can greatly affect allergy symptoms.5,6 Another factor which can affect allergy symptoms is air pollution – which is impacted by climate change.7,8 Let’s look at the impact of these factors on allergy symptoms in more detail.
Shifting seasons: A longer and more intense allergy season
Climate change is causing shifting seasons – summers are getting longer and winters shorter.9,10 Places such as the UK are increasingly likely to experience warmer and wetter winters, hotter and drier summers, as well as more extreme weather.5
Unfortunately, a longer warmer season/temperatures can mean more pollen in the air and more allergy symptoms.11 Increased humidity and temperatures can also mean increased mould growth which can be a bane for allergy sufferers.12
“…recent studies in Europe have found that some pollen types are increasing in severity, season duration and seeing an earlier onset as a result of climate change.”13
Extreme weather events are not good news for people with mould allergies
Increased rain and flooding can promote mould growth as they can result in damp buildings.14 On the plus side though, the heavy rain can mean reduced pollen levels.15 However, the strong winds of a storm can cause pollen and mould spores to become more airborne (and therefore, transmissible).16,17
Allergy symptoms can increase with pollution
Climate change raises the levels of airborne pollutants in the environment.16 The airborne pollutants can aggravate respiratory symptoms in some people when inhaled.18 Exposure to these pollutants can also trigger flare-ups for people with allergies such as hay fever (allergic rhinitis).19
Steps you can take to manage your allergy symptoms
Although not always possible, the ideal way to manage allergy symptoms would be to avoid contact with the allergens in the first place. Taking measures such as keeping your environment clean, dry, and well-ventilated (and therefore, free of dust, mould, or pollen) can help you avoid potential allergy triggers in your home. Also, lifestyle habits such as bathing regularly to remove allergens from your body or avoiding touching your face with your hands (better still, washing your hands first) if they have been in contact with allergens can be helpful.20
You should always consult a doctor or pharmacist for an accurate allergy diagnosis and treatment plan, which may include antihistamines (like Allevia® - which works even when pollen counts are high! ).
Allevia® is here to help!
Take Allevia before your hay fever symptoms take over you. Life isn’t waiting for your hay fever symptoms to pass and neither should you. That’s why Allevia® helps deliver relief that lasts 24 hours, acts within one hour and is prescription strength, so you can get on with enjoying your day
Don't let pollen hold you back! Allevia is long lasting, acts in 1 hour & is non-drowsy in most people!
Don’t let pollen get in the way, live your greatness with Allevia 120mg tablets for the symptomatic relief of allergic rhinitis. Contain fexofenadine. Always read the label.
MAT-XU-2301601 V1.0 (May 2023)
- Mimura N. Sea-level rise caused by climate change and its implications for society. Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci. 2013;89(7):281-301.
- Ebi KL, Vanos J, Baldwin JW, et al. Extreme Weather and Climate Change: Population Health and Health System Implications. Annu Rev Public Health. 2021;42:293-315.
- Román-Palacios C, Wiens JJ. Recent responses to climate change reveal the drivers of species extinction and survival. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020;117(8):4211-4217.
- Pacheco SE, Guidos-Fogelbach G, Annesi-Maesano I, et al. American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Environmental Exposures and Respiratory Health Committee. Climate change and global issues in allergy and immunology. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2021;148(6):1366-1377.
- Met Office. Effects of climate change. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- Independent. Measuring climate change: It's not just heat, it's humidity. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- Nanda A, Mustafa SS, Castillo M, et al. Air Pollution Effects in Allergies and Asthma. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2022;42(4):801-815.
- D'Amato G, Bergmann KC, Cecchi L, et al. Climate change and air pollution: Effects on pollen allergy and other allergic respiratory diseases. Allergo J Int. 2014;23(1):17-23.
- Environment Journal. Climate change is making summers longer and winters shorter. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- Wang, J, Guan, Y, Wu, L., et al. Changing lengths of the four seasons by global warming. Geophysical Research Letters. 2021. 48, e2020GL091753.
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Climate Change and Health. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- Menneer, T, Mueller, M, & Sharpe, RA et al. Modelling mould growth in domestic environments using relative humidity and temperature. Building and Environment. 2022. 208. 108583. 10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108583. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- Met Office. Changing climate brings impacts for hay fever sufferers. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- CDC. Centers for disease control and prevention. Dampness and Mold in Buildings. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- Met Office. How does the weather affect hay fever? Available at:,have%20less%20of%20an%20impact. Accessed: March 2023.
- Allergy UK. Thunderstorm Asthma. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- The Washington Post. Thunderstorms can worsen asthma and allergies .Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- EPA. United States environmental protection. Particle Pollution and Respiratory Effects. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
- Li CH, Sayeau K, Ellis AK. Air Pollution and Allergic Rhinitis: Role in Symptom Exacerbation and Strategies for Management. J Asthma Allergy. 2020;13:285-292.
- Allergy UK. Pollens and moulds in the garden. Available at: Accessed: March 2023.
This article is not a substitute for medical advice. Allevia should be used as directed according to the product label. If you suspect that you have allergies, consult with your doctor or pharmacist. Only they can make a proper diagnosis.
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Take Allevia before your symptoms take over you
Life isn’t waiting for your allergy symptoms to pass and neither should you.
That’s why Allevia® helps deliver relief that lasts 24 hours, acts within one hour and is prescription strength, so you can get on with enjoying your day.
MAT-XU-2301601 V1.0 (May 2023)